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Let's talk Menopause and how ChangeXtra can support you. Free 15 min discussion.
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We can offer consultancy such as the examples below, or we can arrange bespoke support to meet your needs.

Menopause research
Do you have an understanding of the experience of your employees?
NO - We can help you to engage with employees and undertake research surveys or interviews.
YES - We can help you to collect and report these experiences to inform the development of your menopause policy and action plan.

Menopause policy
Do you have one?
NO - We can help you to prepare one suitable for your organisation.
YES - We can help you to think about how to enact your policy within your organisation to really make a difference.

Menopause nominated person
Do you have one?
NO - We can help you to prepare one suitable for your organisation.
YES - We can help you to understand the role and ensure the nominated person has access to the training and resources they need to meet your aims.

Menopause mentoring
Do you have offer this?
NO - We can offer this service to your employees OR help you to develop in-house menopause mentoring schemes.
YES - We can help you to understand the role and ensure the nominated person has access to the training and resources they need to meet your aims. We can advise how to support your employees whose menopause is impacting their work, or who are off sick.

We are always keen to work with organisations who want to DO more.
Many organisations are trying. Let us help you to get it right!

Menopause Consultancy

Our consultancy is offered from a position of lived experience. We understand how women feel, and can help your organisation to understand too! Together we can empower women through positive change.